Instant Gift Certificate

Design your gift certificate, preview it, and then send or print it immediately. It's fast and easy!

How do you want to send the gift certificate?

Choose a service

Total $ 0.00

1 Hr Massage 1 Hr Pedicure and 30 Min. Facial

1 hour massage- your gift recipient can choose the type of massage and 1 hour(approx.)pedicure-spa pedicure in a private room and 30 min facial using natural products.


1 Hour Massage and Spa Pedicure

1 Hour Hot Stone Massage and 1 Hour (Approximate)Spa Pedicure


30 Minutes

30 Minute massa ange therapy session. Will target 1 area of the body, usually neck and shoulders.


45 Minute Massage

45 Minutes of massage therapy customized for your gift recipient.


60 Minute Massage

60 minute therapeutic massage


90 Minute Massage

90 minute therapeutic massage customized to your gift recipient's needs.


1 Hour Massage and 30 Minute Facial

60 Minute Massage and 30 minute facial. Massage and facial will be customized for your gift recipients needs and skin type.


1 Hour Couples Massage

side by side


3- 1 Hour Massage Sessions

3 1 -hour Massage Sessions


Express Four - $140

Express Four - $140 Series of four 30 minute express facials. Great for acne and hyper-pigmentation treatments.


3-30 Minute Sessions

3 - 30 minute massage sessions of your choice


Ful Facial Wax

lip chin eyebrows and cheeks


60 Minute Facial

Custom facial with extra attention to neck and shoulders


3- 45 minute Sessions

3- 45 minute massage therapy sessions


True Serenity

1 hour Massage, spa facial and 30 minute foot service. A 2 hour service


30 Min Massage/Spa Pedicure

30 minute custom massage and Spa Pedicure.


30 Minute Massage/30 Min Spa Facial

30 min massage and 30 minute facial


45 Min Couples Massage

45 Minute couples massage side by side.



Would you like to add a gratuity to your gift certificate?

Choose a design

Capture the moment with a personally chosen design.

Who are you sending it to?

Enter the recipient's first and last name.

Enter the recipient's name and sender's name as you'd like them to appear on the gift certificate.

Include a message

Customize the gift certificate with an optional message.


See exactly how your gift certificate looks.


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to the next step. You'll still be able to come back and make changes or cancel your order.